Effective Negotiation and Conflict Management
How can manager’s
best use the principles of effective negotiation and conflict management to
resolve power struggles within health care settings
The principles that managers can apply to resolve conflicts
in health sector include collaboration process. Different people such as
healthcare staff should work together with a common goal of initially acquiring
necessary information for the best solution. Each healthcare member should take
responsibility within the area of professionalism to ensure that chances of
conflicts arising are minimal (Desivilya, Somech, & Lidgoster, 2010). Using
collaborative principles ensure better working relationships that result to
delivering quality patient services. Collaboration principles can be applied in
solving conflicts arising as a result of a shortage of healthcare staff in a
particular unit. Management should encourage collaboration so that available
nurses can give priority to needs of patients. Managers should induce a spirit
of pooling available resources and match those resources to priority needs for
quality patient services.
The principle of compromising can be applied where by health
care parties involved in negotiation process divide into groups to find a
solution that satisfies everyone. Example include staffs working regarding
shifts, hours or sessions during holidays (Lawton, Elizabeth, Bryan, 2012).
The principle of competing strategy is where one healthcare
staff tends to have more appealing and serious responsibilities that can lead
to more complex conflicts from occurring. Therefore, the parties compete on who
has more sensitive responsibility such as a family with young kids who require
mother’s attention (Lawton, Elizabeth, Bryan, 2012).
Leaders in healthcare sector should also apply the principle
of negotiation to solve conflicts arising as a result of disagreement among
healthcare professionals. Management should enforce concepts such as honesty
communication. During negation, healthcare professions should aim at adjusting
their differences to reach consensus. Leaders in the health sector should
define main goals, needs, and requirements to ensure all individuals equally
consider the aim of treating, curing, and saving a life. During negotiation
process leaders should greatly emphasize on principles such as transparency,
fairness as well as trust worthy of healthcare professionals while serving
patients (Marcus, Dorn, & McNulty, 2012).
What types of power struggles in health care settings do you
believe are most amenable to using negotiation and conflict management
Healthcare sector has several power struggles that can be
solved using negotiation and conflict resolution techniques. For example, the
power struggle between nurses and doctors raise conflicts. Doctors feel that
they have spent a lot of time in medical research than nurses (Marcus, Dorn, &
McNulty, 2012). They, therefore, consider that they have best approaches
methods and most appropriate styles of doing things. Doctor’s use their power
of education to rule out nurses have specific responsibility of attending minor
needs of patients as well as accomplishing tasks commanded by nurses.
Therefore, power struggles can lead to a decision that can highly affect
patients. Thus decisions on patient’s health cause conflicts between doctors
and nurses that require effective conflict resolution.
What are specific
ways to limit the potential for power abuse in health care organizations?
The potential methods that can limit abuse of power in
healthcare organizations include understanding actual sources of power so that
measures of controlling and managing it can be implemented. Leaders should
understand how departments, groups or individuals assert their power in the
name of responsibilities, duties, and roles (Lawton, Elizabeth, Bryan, 2012).
The second step to minimize possibilities of abuse of power is creating new
structural sources of power that intends to replace existing distribution of
power. In case a particular stakeholder, department, unit or a group is
discovered to excessively influence others by use of authority, power and
position in the office to abuse others those abusing powers should be made to
depend on others (Lawton, Elizabeth, Bryan, 2012). Orders, privileges, and
authority should be diverted to other offices. In events where one or more
parties are attempting to exercise superiority against other, leaders should
quickly identify strategies to manage that power. Nurses, physicians, and
doctors should have equal opportunities to access powers since they all handle
sensitive information and life of patients depend on them. Therefore, power
equality can be promoted through pursuing principles such as transparency,
fairness as well as trust worthy within health care organizations.
What specific
human resource strategies and transparency mechanisms could be created within
hospitals or physician practices, for example, that would help prevent any
stakeholder, particularly the top leaders of an organization, from pursuing
self-interested goals in suspect ways?
One strategy of ensuring that particular top leaders in an
organization do not pursue self-interests include forming coalitions or
alliances with the aim of strengthening individual or group interests against
top management. For example, while negotiating as an individual, each physician
has little power concerning the physician in charge. However, as a coalition of
all physicians their views, ideas, and desires prevail. Another criterion is
forming concession where a particular person can represent a view of the
seniors and top management (Lawton, Elizabeth, Bryan, 2012). A representative
takes information concerning desires, reactions, and views of majority
physicians to seniors in a peaceful way. In case of bias members of health care
can appoint another leader to present them until their grievances and rights
are provided.
Desivilya, H. S., Somech, A., & Lidgoster, H. (2010).
Innovation and Conflict Management in Work Teams: The Effects of Team
Identification and Task and Relationship Conflict. Negotiation and
Conflict Management Research, 3, 1, 28-48.
Lawton B., Elizabeth B., Bryan W. (2012). Shortell and Kaluzny's Healthcare Management:
Organization Design and Behavior
Describe three major ways that you
could improve the quality of healthcare in your organization.
Proactive Engagement of Target
of the strategies that should ensure that members of the public are taking an
active role in managing to control and maintain the health of their bodies is
making health information easily accessible. People should be given right
information for them to make an informed decision. The efforts that healthcare
CEO should take are establishing health care education within modern
technological devices such as mobile technologies, the internet, and social
media. Direct educative information should also be distributed to people
concerning personal health. Some of the
strategies that can be implemented to create awareness to people are through
accurate precise and accurate information and sending it via phones, other
mobile devices and across the internet. All targeted customers should access
information easily through mobile applications, social media, hospital portals
and other means of advertisements (Tsigrogianni, & Tarnanas, 2007). The
intention of the engaging target group is making them work closely or associate
with physicians for guidance, counseling, treatment, and consultancy. Such
strategies can improve health care sector through reducing hospital visits and
patients congestion. Engaging target group early in advance about the safety of
their health ensure a decrease in morbidity and decreased mortality rates.
Mobile based communication and the internet customer care services ensure
improvement treatment at patient’s homes as well as improved solutions to
emergency cases encountered by target groups. Nurses can attend targeted groups
at their homes, and offices for checkups, examination and special care purposes
for those with chronic diseases (Tsigrogianni, & Tarnanas, 2007).
creating hospital portals, mobile healthcare applications, and linking
customers is an involving task, expensive and time-consuming. The strategy can
only support individuals connected to network, and computer elites. The CEO
also requires training new employees for managing online network systems such
as web masters, and network managers. Nurses and physicians must be trained how
to work with patients and attend to their cases at respective homes
(Tsigrogianni, & Tarnanas, 2007). They must be willing to walk and reach
targeted clients.
Analysis Techniques
in healthcare sectors must apply modern techniques in collecting dynamic data
and information from different sectors. Special data and information regarding
treatment, health improvements should be gathered. Healthcare CEO’s should
establish tools for performing demographic analysis, psychological analysis,
social analysis and behavioral analysis (Simpao, Ahumada, Gálvez, &
Rehman, 2014). Health data and information collection can be controlled and
managed by Healthcare Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. HCRM
systems should link other hospitals to analyze different cases encountered. The
system should capture and share analyzed data and information comprising of
diagnosis information, prescribed drugs, treatment involved, and outcomes or
results. The system should provide support to the physician, patients, and
other users through providing detailed reports on future trends, patterns, and
expectations. Implanting analytical
tools in hospitals can greatly improve services, performance, and quality of
health. Healthcare professionals can learn new diseases through getting an
analysis of different diseases their diagnosis, treatments, and expected
outcomes. Patients can acquire direct diagnosis through mobile applications on
providing their symptoms (Simpao, Ahumada, Gálvez, & Rehman, 2014).
Analysis tools make management easy as well as making the process of making a
decision quickly and acceptable.
involved in implementing such systems include violating patient privacy and
confidentiality through sharing, distributing and transmitting sensitive
information. Maintaining using and achieving such systems require integrating
artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine learning technologies. Patient consent
on registering and how data and information should be applied in the hospital
is required. Providing several users with access to the system increases risks
associated with cyber crimes, attacks, espionage, stealing of data and other
threats (Simpao, Ahumada, Gálvez, & Rehman, 2014).
Compliance Policies
quality of health care organizations involves corresponding to policies,
ethical practices, and conforming to international standards. Health compliant
organization must be ISO certified. Conforming to ISO standards enhance
healthcare auditing by experts according to international standards. Conforming
to ISO standards makes healthcare professionals such as nurses, physicians are
committed to the patient needs, and quality services (Lane, & Schur, 2010).
Making compliance policies makes organization set its levels and standards of
evaluation for direct monitoring employees. CEO should establish rules and
regulations that govern all workers within healthcare organizations. The example they should make sure that only
the qualified, and employees with valid papers are given an opportunity to
serve patients (Lane, & Schur, 2010). They should also be registered with
as healthcare organizations which are internationally recognized. Professional
practices should be encouraged that can promote and create a culture of the
organization. Finally, CEO must ensure everyone within health sector is
ethically based on behavior, dressing, communication and social aspects.
in achieving compliance CEO’s are limited to the ruling of ISO after verifying
and validating their resources, capacity, and size. Resources within the
organization should be completely checked regarding compliance with
compatibility, valid vendors and free from any errors. CEO should ensure that
security based on systems, users personal information and patients diagnosing
information should be private, confidential and secure from fraud (Lane, &
Schur, 2010).
J., & Schur, C. (2010). Balancing Access to Health Data and Privacy: A
Review of the Issues and Approaches for the Future. Health Services
Research, 45, 1456-1467.
A. F., Ahumada, L. M., Gálvez, J. A., & Rehman, M. A. (2014). A Review of
Analytics and Clinical Informatics in Health Care. Journal of Medical
Systems, 38, 4, 1-7.
K. G., & Tarnanas, I. A. (2007). Patients, Caregivers, and Telehome-Based
Care Systems: A Case Study. Journal of Cases on Information
Technology, 9, 3, 71-90.
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