Monday, March 11, 2019


The fundamental teachings of the Quran normally revolve around prayer, belief as well as good deeds and should be used to guide all mankind. The similarities between the Bible and the Quran include the fact that the two normally made of narratives, poetry, teachings, and teachings as well as rebuking. The majority of the narratives in the two books consist of similar events as well as figures. The two normally teach that the creation of the universe was by a single omniscient, almighty God, who commands the humans to follow the morality that has established for them. The differences between the two books include the fact that the bible is normally an assortment of writings by dissimilar authors while the Quran is normally a dictation. The speaker in the Quran uses the first person about God speaking directly to man.

Additionally the Bible does not have any self-reference in the context of the world ‘Bible’ being used anywhere in the Bible while the Quran is self-referenced for 70 times. Above all, the Quran, unlike the Bible, invites the faithful to the believe in its assertions, unlike the bible that normally demands the faithful to believe the assertions. The passage that stands out for me is “All scripture is inspired of God” in the sense that the Bible is inspired by God even though there no clear outlining of the fact. Colonialism and dependence have used as a system of brainwashing the smart brains of the colonized nation, impairing the growth of the citizenry. The colonial masters use oppression and favors to ensure that their subjects abide by their authority ensuring they curtail their education to limit their exposure and exploit their economies. The three major monotheistic religions have been the source of conflicts and contention in the world as the members display hostility towards those of the other religions.
According to Ahmed, the national identity cannot be described through the utilization of labels. She says that the surroundings shape the individual identifies that the person finds.
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